Thanks to the wonderfully crafty Leah.
Some of you probably already visit Leah's blog but if you don't, and yous likes yous some crafting, you should check it out.
Also, I know Leah is going to (or already does?) start selling stuff on so hopefully she'll leave a little self-promoting linkage in the comment section.
You're quite welcome! I thought you'd get a kick out of it...
I haven't opened the shop at etsy yet. It will be up in another week or two. I'll announce it on my blog as soon as I have it set up.
Until then, I'm open to trades or sales for friends. Just contact me on my site.
adam needs a cozy for um...his...err...yeah...chisel.
ooooh, leah, i also saw a design for a one that looked like a cat that wrapped around your neck.
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