Sunday, February 24, 2008

Recruitment Weekend

So everybody's gone home.

Since Thursday night I've been running around like a crazy person, driving people, guiding people, answering a billion questions, and eating free food. By yesterday afternoon I was over it, having people in my face all the time is not good for me.

Last night, after everyone had been taken back to their respective hosts, the people who weren't catching a flight the next morning headed out to mjq and I didn't get back and in bed until nearly 4 am.

I slept for almost 3 hours and then I got a call from the student driving people to the airport this morning, saying that he was downstairs. I got up and checked in the living room.. nobody there. So I threw on a hoody and some flipflops and walked downstairs to see if I could find the person I was hosting.

When I got downstairs, there was nobody there so I assumed that she had been on her way down when I got the call and I went back upstairs and went back to bed.

About four hours later I woke up again and sadly, I have an obscene amount of homework still to do.

As for the interviews... some people I liked, some people I liked less.

One girl was straight from undergrad and brought her dad to a few of the social events, which I think reflects rather poorly on her. She was also.. chatty.. and not in a good way but in a small kick-me dog kind of way.

A few of them seem really enthusiastic about the program, and good candidates too, so I'm thinking they will get in and accept the offer. This is good because I actually liked them. Two of them said for sure that we were the top pick for them, which is always nice to hear. One is a really mellow, smart woman and the other is a funny guy with some really good research interests.

Amazingly, the one straight guy this weekend was actually cute.. what can I say? Being surrounded by the dudes in this program makes me very appreciative of having pretty male people to look at.

Okay, now I'm just babbling to procrastinate on my homework.


Adam said...

I can send you some pictures of the guys around here to look at. Next time we go out drinking, I'll get you some photos.


m.wise said...

i'll try to be "extra" photogenic!!!

Lulu said...

I remember those awkward and busy recruitement weekends. I had made the decision to leave the program when they came and it was really awkward to answer their questions and be positive when I hated the prorgram so I just tried to get them drunk.
And the cute smarty farty student is a rare find, treasure that:)