The University in it's infinite wisdom decided to gather a bunch of people who aren't going to get paid for another month in a room, then lay out a bunch of free food and stuff out, and let everybody loose.
A couple hours later, we all emerge tottering down the stairs with full bellies and full bags. In my belly I have a sandwich, pasta salad, fruit salad, a cookie, and two cokes. In my bag well, have a look:
My three personal favorites are the t-shirt, the portable mug, and the free copy of EndNote. And in case you couldn't guess which school I go to, here's a close up of my brand new I.D. card:
Still to come: more free food, and beer!
Cool and it only cost you 36,000 in tuition.
Did they give you a free credit card too?
Oh yeah I guess I should add "tuition waver" to the list of free things the University has given me.
was it free beer?
Yeah, they're paying her to go to school. Damn you scientists!
Heck yes it was free beer, the best kind kind of beer.
why does your i.d. card have my name on it?
e d
heads up: when people click the "free shit" picture to enlarge it, your name is fully visible on your I.D. card.
thought you might want to know.
Yes, I am you Ed.
And yeah I know about the name thing Todd, I just decided I didn't care enough to bother fixing it.
sniping your identity then!
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