Thursday, May 15, 2008

Audience participation

So I read several of the Science Blogs on a semi-regular basis and my recent platypus post has got me thinking it's kind of fun to write about science (clearly my vacation from classes has already started to make my brain melt).

What do you all think? I'm guessing some of you will be really bored by it but that's what the scroll bar is for. If you are interested, what kind of topics would you like to read? Do you have any burning questions that you would like me to address? Tell me, I'm all ears.


Will Baird said...

Yes, please. Can we have some more, please.

*holds out empty NorCal sciency bowl*

Monticore said...

I want to hear about your adventures as a roller derby girl.

auritus said...

Oh make no mistake, if I try out for the roller derby team you will definitely hear about it.

I'm thinking of maybe a couple science-y type posts a week at most. Plus you all probably noticed that I do most of my serious blogging on weekend, because I have no life.

Will Baird said...

Roller derby too!

auritus said...

What about science.. and roller derby?!

It just might be crazy enough to work.

Monticore said...

Yeah like the science of roller derby.

timidvenus said...

i enjoy reading your science posts. i like what you have to say evolutionarily speaking, and i super-love when you write about genetics.

Adam said...

I'm down for whatever as long as the illustrations are as enthralling as the three from your platypus post.

Hit us with the science posts.