Saturday, April 26, 2008

I hate school

In other news, I have a pair of leopard print Rocket Dog sneakers that are awesome but I had no idea Rocket Dog made high heels.

I have no reason to wear heels, ever. Also I'm not usually a fan of metallics, and definitely not of gold. And hearts aren't really my thing. But I love these shoes. And I would be like 6 feet tall in them, which would be fucking awesome.


timidvenus said...

"I have no reason to wear heels, ever."

um, but then you say: "But I love these shoes."

fyi, that is the reason to wear heels. that and the boyz love them (which, if you didnt know, is the reason us ladiez do anything)

auritus said...

I feel silly and self conscious dressing up if nobody else is dressed up. And the places I frequent are not what you'd call classy joints.

It is true that I do everything for the boyz though.

timidvenus said...

see, id rather dress up when noone else does, that way ive got nothing to compete with. and really, those shoes would ROCK with a cute pair of jeans, and should definately be worn everywhere, un-classy joints especially. actually, you wanking in a joint like that with those shoes on would up the classiness level at least four points.

Adam said...

Heh, I thought only boys "wanked."

timidvenus said...

oh adam, im so glad i can count on you to point out my mistakes. it always makes me feel super-good.