I hate when TV shows have actual jokes, that are you know, funny?
I can't wait for more tired cliches about men, women, and marriage. Nothing's funnier than the comedic equivalent of Old Yeller.
For the love of God, take 'em out back and put 'em out of their misery.

Yeah, I think that the Fox network is bipolar.
I keeping hoping these shows will just die off due to Natural Selection however it appears that more drastic measures are needed
I wouldn't mind the lame shows if they just let me have Arrested Development and Futurama back.
It's when they cancel those shows and put this crap on that I say break out the shotgun.
Incidentally, I was looking for an appropriately descriptive word and since nothing does appropriately descriptive like Yiddish I tried to find a good Yiddish word. I failed but I did find this website to which Adam said "Heather would want to see that."
Enjoy. If not, blame Adam.
Couldn't agree more. I still morn the loss of Arrested Development daily. One day I just might snap. So fox you beter watch yo' back
Also I like the Yiddish site. The insults they offer are more of a curse then a good swear word but I would love to learn a few.
Futuruma is coming back. Comedy Central has bought the rights to it and new episodes are in development. As for AD, it will have the same fate as Freaks and Geeks, a great show that wasn't around long enough.
On a semi-side note, Zach Braff is trying to cut a deal so Tobias Funke can appear on Scrubs.
It's foonkay.
according to imdb and your precious wiki, it is Fünke.
although, i always thought it was pronounced foo-kay, and spelled somehow appropriately.
Ummm...I know how it's spelled, and I'm pretty sure that the umlaut in most instances actually shortens the vowel sound, so the proper way to pronounce his name is probably either funk or funky.
Unless I'm mistaken, and I may be, there is an episode where someone (maybe him) clarifies his name as foonkay or fyoonkay or something along those lines. That was what I was alluding to.
But is it Too-By-Us or Toe-By-Us
i see your point. and didn't catch your reference to an episode. i went with the obvious spelling reference.
in thinking about the fox network, it's such an odd beast. you have, and always have had, shows that typically push stereotypes. but, they've also got some shows that are pretty risque. occassionally, you have some real gems in the bunch. but there's a lot of stones too. and then, from the same company, fox news. so odd. if not bipolar, manic.
i gots to point out that adam said fox was bipolar first. i seconded it, and said if not bipolar than manic.
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